For the third year, the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara proposes the appointment with the Days of Restoration and Cultural Heritage. The event, which in the first edition saw the prestigious venue of Palazzo Tassoni Estense open to three days of discussion and debate, music and awards, and in 2020 has proposed a series of online events that, between June and July, have consolidated the vocation of innovation and research on cultural heritage.

This year the Days of Restoration and Cultural Heritage will see a succession of webinars and conferences dedicated to different topics on 20 – 21 May. After the institutional greetings, the Value Chain INNOVA Cultural Heritage Management of the Clust-ER BUILD will open the works, presenting the new strategic lines of the Emilia-Romagna Region, and then continue in the afternoon with the VIII edition of the Domus Restoration and Conservation Award Fassa Bortolo, that after celebrating its tenth anniversary in 2020 proposes a day of study dedicated to the didactics in comparison for the Architectural Restoration.
Will open the morning of May 21 the event “Risk Management and Preservation of Cultural Heritage” organized by the European project Firespill Interreg Italy-Croatia, with After the Damages International Academy and the Regional Agency for Reconstruction: the overall objective of the project is to improve the capacity of emergency services organizations, to increase cross-border effectiveness in dealing with natural and man-made disasters, reducing the exposure of populations to the impact of improving measures and tools for prevention and management of emergencies.

The afternoon of Friday, May 21 will be dedicated to the IV UID Symposium on Internationalization of Research – International Research Experiences – Interdisciplinary Approaches to Innovation, organized by DIAPReM/TekneHub, Department of Architecture, University of Ferrara – UID Unione Italiana Disegno. One of the objectives of the Symposium is the valorization of those research activities – both competitive and non-competitive – arising from relationships with research centers or institutions, with interdisciplinary value and aimed at the development of innovative methodologies, processes and products.
Among the expected results of the study day there is the highlighting of the geographical/thematic relationships in which UID is involved, materializing a visual “map” of these international relationships and of the main thematic areas.


  • INNOVA-CHM: “The participation to the Seminar entitles to 2 CFP for Architects, assigned by the Federazione Ordini Architetti P.P.C. Emilia Romagna”;
  • INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH EXPERIENCES: “The participation to the Seminar entitles to 3 CFP for Architects, assigned by the Federazione Ordini Architetti P.P.C. Emilia Romagna”;
  • ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION: THE EDUCATION IN COMPARISON: “The participation to the Seminar gives the right to 4 CFP for Architects, assigned by the Federation of Architects P.P.C. Emilia Romagna”.
The Clust-ERs are financed by the European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region - ERDF ROP 2014-2020