The construction sector is characterized by the creation of demand and the reduction of the margins of economic sustainability of processes.

The chain of building products is complex, whether it is new buildings or regeneration and recovery processes of the existing building and involves a growing number of actors who often operate locally and belong to a micro or small business; therefore economic operators often have different economic objectives.

Because of this aspect, the value chain is influenced much more frequently than in other sectors by the size and type of project that determine the number of actors and stakeholders involved.

However, the construction sector continues to be a strategic sector in regional, national and European economies, in particular due to the high number of employees in the supply chain itself, as well as to the growing number of new players, the potential development innovation attributed to it from other supply chains such as the energy market and ICT.


In this scenario, the actors involved in the value chain of the regional housing market share some strategic objectives which represent the most potential innovation guidelines in support of increased competitiveness, not only nationally but also internationally.

Among the main objectives we have:

  • encourage product and process innovation, in order to promote greater economic and environmental sustainability for the entire production cycle and use of the asset;
  • foster process innovation, with a view to increase industrialisation of processes, skill specialisation, collaboration and adoption of instruments for the interoperability of information flows, therefore reducing errors and costs;
  • stimulate plant engineering and structural measures, integration of specialised components, functions and skills, adoption of certified energy management systems and maximum use of renewable energy sources, possibly available on site;
  • boost a conscious use of resources depending on the various target groups involved;
  • promote the reduction of the vulnerability (seismic, hydrogeological and hydraulic risk) of the existing buildings and environmental patrimony, also via the containment of the anthropogenic factors;
  • support the development and adoption of less invasive technologies in the field of security, vulnerability and in general intervention on existing constructed assets;
  • foster the adoption of built-in monitoring systems in order to support data-based decision-making processes throughout the life cycle of the building product.


The Emilia-Romagna Region with Executive Determination No. 21027 of 29/12/2017 and with resolution of the Regional Council No. 323/2018 granted the association Clust-ER BUILD Building and Construction the total sum of Euro 300,000.00 for the years 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.

The Emilia-Romagna Region with Executive Determination No. 20932 of 12/12/2018 and with resolution of the Regional Council No. 1215/2018 granted the association Clust-ER Building and Construction the total sum of Euro 10,000.00 for the year 2019.

Other Clust-ER

The Clust-ERs are associations of public and private bodies: companies, research centres and training institutions that share skills, ideas and resources to support the competitiveness the regional industrial strategic sectors.

The Emilia-Romagna Region has found in the Clust-ERs the subjects capable of multiplying innovation opportunities through a collaborative approach, as they focus their activity in R&D strategic sectors.

Together with the Technopoles and the High Technology Network laboratories, they are one of the key players in the regional innovation ecosystem coordinated by ART-ER, the Emilia-Romagna consortium for innovation and technology transfer.

I Clust-ER della regione Emilia-Romagna sono parte del progetto Clust-ER promosso da ART-ER e sono finanziati dai Fondi europei della Regione Emilia-Romagna - POR FESR 2014-2020.

The Clust-ERs are financed by the European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region - ERDF ROP 2014-2020