The Cluster-ER BUILD, located in the dynamic region of Emilia-Romagna, represents a collaborative ecosystem dedicated to the promotion and development of innovative projects in the field of sustainable construction and new building technologies. This cluster, born from the synergy between companies, institutions and research centers, aims to catalyze innovation and research to create advanced solutions in the construction sector.

To achieve this, Cluster-ER BUILD offers support to its Members’ projects upon request, particularly in the following area:

  1. **Smart Construction:** Projects that integrate digital technologies, artificial intelligence, and automation to optimize construction processes, monitor the real-time condition of structures, and improve building lifecycle management.
  2. **Innovative Materials:** Initiatives focused on research and development of new construction materials, with particular attention to sustainability, durability, and advanced performance.
  3. **Energy and Efficiency:** Projects dedicated to implementing advanced energy solutions and optimizing energy efficiency in buildings, thus contributing to the reduction of resource consumption and carbon emissions.

Cluster-ER BUILD stands as a catalyst for innovation in the construction landscape, promoting economic growth, environmental sustainability and the creation of cutting-edge building assets.. Its mission is to embark on a collaborative journey to shape the future of construction, giving great relevance to global challenges and the needs of contemporary society.


Integrated Digital Tools for Structural Monitoring, Diagnostics and Predictive Maintenance of Bridges and Viaducts.

Assessing the condition of bridges and viaducts is essential for maintaining transportation infrastructure safety and efficiently planning maintenance interventions. The project will develop integrated digital tools that, by combining innovative methodologies for surveying, diagnostics, and structural monitoring, will enable the prediction of the remaining service life of bridges and viaducts based on their level of deterioration.



The Municipality of Faenza proposes within its PUMS (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan), proposes a gradual (ZTL) and  the development of access regulations for commercial vehicles entering the ZTL. At the same time, it promotes the progressive incentivization of electric mobility usage.



This project, awarded first place in the Regional Call “Territorial Laboratories for Innovation and Business Sustainability in Emilia-Romagna – 2022-2023 Biennium,” aims to create collaborative laboratories involving local authorities, research institutions, and businesses. The goal is to establish a supply chain for reusing waste materials to produce low-impact materials, such as paving for pedestrian or cycling areas or architectural elements.

The Clust-ERs are financed by the European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region - ERDF ROP 2014-2020