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AssoBIM, Clust-ER Build and SAIE launch the 7th edition of BIM&DIGITAL Awards 2023, the award that aims to:
– report the state of the art in innovation and digital transformation of the construction sector and reward the ideas capable of best interpreting the change, promoting projects and works that exploit digital innovations (BIM and others) to make the process of design, construction, management and maintenance of the built environment more effective;
– reward companies, start-ups, enterprises that promote new digital tools, in order to make the processes of surveying, restitution and vision, design, implementation and maintenance more effective, especially for recovery and restoration interventions, and that operate in a BIM environment;
– reward industrial research and university research in this sector, through the selection of Master’s Degree, Postgraduate School, Master’s and Doctorate developed and applied on methodologies, tools, protocols, systems, etc. related to BIM.
Recent events have also forced the sector – through digital – to seek for new forms of communication, new working tools and technologies that would allow the safe management of processes and spaces. So further objectives of the award are:
– reward Italian public authorities that have developed and applied processes for the dematerialisation of technical-administrative procedures in the construction sector, through the use of digital technologies, also specifically developed for this purpose.
For the award procedures and for the relations between the organisers and the participants, in order to ensure consistent rules of participation, only electronic means of transmission will be used, available on the following website, specifically set up for this purpose:
The subjects of the Award are:
– projects or works exploiting technological innovations in the various sectors relating to construction;
– new tools/technologies and digital systems for the built environment;
– graduation thesis, doctoral thesis or industrial research projects/results providing clearly innovative features in the field of digitisation of the built environment;
– innovative applications of digitisation processes and dematerialisation of public administration in technical-administrative procedures in sectors related to the built environment (construction, town planning, environment, plant engineering, maintenance, etc…).
It is possible to participate in the award by presenting processes, projects (drawn up for private clients, public authorities, universities and competitions) and/or finished works that refer to the categories indicated in paragraph 3 below:
– Buildings/Operations: categories a.1., a.2., a.3., a.4. and b.2.
– Presentation and description of an innovative system and/or technology and/or product: categories a.5., b.1., b.3., c.1., c.2., d.1. and e),
– Presentation and description of research outcomes: categories d.2. and d.3.
Each participant may submit several projects belonging to the various categories via the platform by means of separate electronic submissions.
The same project may be submitted only once and only in one category.
The categories for which it is possible to apply for are the following:
a) Design (only for design companies and firms and freelance professionals)
a.1. Complex buildings: this category is dedicated to projects/works that propose technological innovative features applied to commercial, tertiary, public and/or large and complex buildings.
a.2. Infrastructures: this category is dedicated to projects/works that propose technological innovative features applied to infrastructures such as bridges, roads, ports, railways, airports and tunnels as well as energy, water and telecommunication networks and soil protection projects.
a.3. Small Projects: this category is dedicated to projects/works that propose technological innovative features applied to small-scale projects such as residential buildings, urbanisation works, furniture and public green areas.
a.4. Heritage Restoration & Enhancement Interventions: this category is dedicated to projects that propose technological innovative features in the restoration and enhancement of buildings or projects of historical value or of particular artistic or archaeological importance.
a.5. Smart Buildings & Cities: this category is open to those projects/works that have implemented digital technologies for the use and maintenance of buildings and that enable their automated management in order to optimise the management of resources (water and energy) and the comfort and safety of those who live there. For example, smart buildings able to manage air conditioning and circulation systems, lighting, fire prevention systems, renewable energy production systems, security systems or simply manage household appliances. This category also includes smart city projects/implementations proving how digital technologies have optimised or innovated public services in the areas of communication, mobility, environment, land protection and energy efficiency, in order to improve the quality of services for the community. Some of the digital technologies for smart buildings and smart cities may include the production of Digital Twins, the use of BMS platforms, IoT and cloud tools leveraging 5G and big data, etc.
b) Construction companies (only for construction companies)
b.1. Digital manufacturing: this category is dedicated to projects carried out through design and manufacturing processes entirely driven by digital data. Projects in which the production phases are automated through the use of digital tools and innovative technologies (CAD – CAM – 3D Printing – CNC) fall into this category. Experiences of virtual and interactive production/design, (virtual reality, augmented reality, metaverse) also declined in areas other than civil engineering, may also fall into this category.
b.2. Smart construction sites: this category is dedicated to those projects in which digital innovation had an impact on all or some specific construction phases: from time planning, to resource management, logistics, construction management activities and safety during execution. Technologies for smart construction sites may include, for example, cloud platforms for collaboration in a BIM environment, augmented reality or tools that exploit artificial intelligence or that are able to communicate, through sensors, with the ‘digital twins’ of construction sites for safety management purposes, etc.
b.3. Intelligent materials: this category is open to those projects/works that have used intelligent materials in an innovative and exemplary manner, i.e. materials capable of adapting and modifying one or more properties based on external environmental factors such as pressure, temperature, UV rays and wind. Intelligent construction materials may include, for example, self-healing coatings, intelligent concrete, shape-changing metals, transparent metals, chromogenic glass, etc.
c) Customer (only for public authorities and large real estate operators)
c.1. Public Administration & Digitisation: this category is open, in particular, to Italian public authorities that had to deal with digitisation, with relevance to the management of public contracts and private construction. Applying innovative systems in processes of dematerialisation of technical-administrative procedures.
c.2. Smart Buildings & Cities: this category is open to those projects/works that have implemented digital technologies for the use and maintenance of buildings and that enable their automated management in order to optimise the management of resources (water and energy) and the comfort and safety of those who live there. For example, smart buildings can manage air conditioning and circulation systems, lighting, fire prevention systems, renewable energy production systems, security systems or simply manage household appliances. This category also includes smart city projects/implementations proving how digital technologies have optimised or innovated public services in the areas of communication, mobility, environment, land protection and energy efficiency to improve the quality of services for the community. Some of the digital technologies for smart buildings and smart cities may include the production of Digital Twins, the use of BMS platforms, IoT and cloud tools that exploit 5G and big data, etc.
d) University research (thesis, PhD) and industrial research/innovation (horizon, et al innovative start-ups)
d.1. Digital technologies for the construction process: this category is open to any organisation that has promoted new digital tools that make the processes of surveying, restitution and visioning, design, realisation and maintenance more effective.
d.2. Research. This category is open to “thesis” developed and applied on methodologies, tools, protocols, systems, etc. related to BIM. Projects may be submitted by individual participants or groups who have discussed a “thesis” in the last 5 years at the end of their graduation courses in Architecture, Engineering or Engineering-Architecture, or equivalent university courses. Thesis from Master’s Degree, Postgraduate School, Master’s and Doctorate courses are eligible. In the case of a graduation thesis, it must have obtained a mark of no less than 100/110.
d.3. Industrial Research. This category is open to all those projects that have participated in and won awards financed by direct and indirect funds of the European Community in the last 5 years (2018 – 2023), developing an experimental or industrial research project, even in consortium between several entities (universities, research laboratories, SMEs and companies), with the aim of innovating the process of using BIM and its interoperability.
e) BIM Initiative of the Year (only for design firms and companies, freelancers and construction companies).
Organisations or freelancers that have promoted new ways of working in the BIM environment to make the processes of designing, building and maintaining the built environment more effective can participate in this category. Initiatives can include the development of collaborative software, tools and processes, data management and new ways of working, the use of innovative tools such as, for example, scan to BIM, generative design, computational design, visual programming and coding for AEC, etc.
This category will be divided into:
– Seniors/Professionals:
• firms and design companies, construction companies with more than 5 years of existence;
• freelancers with VAT registered more than 5 years ago or more than 35 years of age,
– Juniors/Beginners:
• firms and design companies, construction companies with less than 5 years of existence;
• freelancers with VAT registered less than 5 years ago or less than 35 years of age,
Projects and/or technologies, thesis that have already won prizes in other competitions in the years 2022 and earlier are excluded from participation.
Object | Date |
Launch | 5 April 2023 |
Beginning of the period for requests of clarification | 5 April 2023 |
End of the period for requests of clarification | 5 May 2023 |
Publication of the register of requests of clarification and replies | 15 June 2023 |
Beginning of the registration period with project submission and sending of the papers and administrative documents | 5 April 2023 |
Closing date for submitting projects and sending administrative documents | 31 July 2023 by 12:00 |
Publication of the finalists | 19 October 2023 |
Prize-giving of selected projects | November 2023 (date to be confirmed) |
For special requirements, at the sole discretion of the award organisers, the above timetable may be modified.
Participants are therefore invited to periodically visit the award platform at: to check for any further communications.
The required documentation consists of:
1. Application form, that can be downloaded from the documents section of the award platform, to be included in a ZIP folder of a maximum size of 5 MB:
2. A folder, consisting of a single PDF file, not larger than 7 MB containing:
– a maximum of three tables in A3 format with photographs, drawings and captions, to be chosen by the participant;
– for categories a.1., a.2., a.3. and a.4.: a video not longer than 3 minutes illustrating the method and the model adopted to develop the project, in terms of immersive, questionable and measurable navigation. A report not longer than 5,000 characters, including spaces, in vertical A4 format (21 x 29.7 cm), with paragraphs and titles, focusing on the following award criteria:
i. QUALITY & INNOVATION: quality of project criteria and choices and innovative use of BIM methodologies to overcome project challenges;
ii. TECHNOLOGIES: use of innovative technologies to achieve project objectives;
iii. METRICS: use of quantitative metrics to verify results;
iv. ECONOMIC IMPACT: positive impact of the project in economic terms;
v. SUSTAINABILITY: positive impact of the project in terms of sustainability;
– for categories a.5., b.1., b.3, c.1., c.2., d.1 and e): a report not longer than 5,000 characters, including spaces, excluding images and graphics, in vertical A4 format (21 x 29.7 cm), with paragraphs and titles, focusing on the following award criteria:
i. ECONOMIC IMPACT: positive impact of the project in economic terms;
ii. SUSTAINABILITY: positive impact of the project in terms of sustainability;
iii. INNOVATIVE CHARACTER of the initiative and/or technology compared to those in use.
– for category d.2.: a report not longer than 5,000 characters, including spaces, in vertical A4 format (21 x 29.7 cm), with paragraphs and titles, focusing on the topics covered by the “Thesis”, in which it is possible to clearly identify the principles underlying the research project developed on methodologies, tools, protocols, systems, etc. relating to BIM. The thesis will be assessed based on the following award criteria:
i. ORIGINALITY: innovative nature of the topics dealt with and/or of the approach compared to other scientific in-depth studies on the same subject;
ii. METHODOLOGICAL STRENGTH: clear presentation of the research objectives in relation to the state of the art (literature or other documented experience). Presentation of the appropriateness of the methodology adopted with respect to the research object. The achievement of the set objectives must be demonstrated;
iii. IMPACT: illustrate how the research outcomes have or may have positive effects with respect to the disciplines/fields to which the research is dedicated.
– for category d.3.: a report not longer than 5,000 characters, including spaces, in vertical A4 format (21×29.7 cm), with paragraphs and titles, focusing on the topics covered by “INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH”, in which it is possible to clearly identify the principles underlying the research project developed on methodologies, tools, protocols, systems, etc. relating to BIM or the digitisation of the sector. The research will be assessed based on the following award criteria:
i. ORIGINALITY: innovative nature of the topics dealt with and/or of the approach compared to other scientific in-depth studies on the same subject;
ii. METHODOLOGICAL STRENGTH: clear presentation of the research objectives in relation to the state of the art (literature or other documented experience). Presentation of the appropriateness of the methodology adopted with respect to the research object. The achievement of the set objectives must be proved;
iii. IMPACT: illustrate how the research outcomes have or may have positive effects with respect to the disciplines/fields to which the research is dedicated.
The award procedure will entirely be managed online, on the award IT platform, which is available at the following link:
Registration will be completed when the registration form is sent together with the folder including the project proposal, by filling in the appropriate form available on the website.
The IT platform, confirming that the procedure has properly been completed, will send a note to inform participants that the data and the folder have properly been received, and this will serve as confirmation of successful registration.
Participants must then transmit, by their own electronic means, following the procedure established and described on the award website, and within the deadline set out in the timetable:
– a ZIP folder, maximum 5 MB, containing the Registration Form in PDF format, and a copy of each participant’s identity card, also in PDF format.
– a PDF file of the dossier, maximum size 7 MB.
Project submission and administrative documents cannot be sent in any other form.
In consideration of the reasonable time available to activate the registration procedure and to adopt the technological measures that are ordinarily suitable and sufficient, the organisers decline all responsibility for any failure to access the IT platform and/or for not being able to activate the award procedure within the established timeframe, due to technical problems faced by the participants and/or the system that are beyond the control of the award organisers, such as, for example, but not limited to, difficulties in connecting to the system due to the participants’ use of unsuitable or inappropriate computer systems, temporary congestion of the internet network and/or of the line connecting to the award IT system, etc.
The technical assistance provided can only operate if the registration procedure is still open.
Requests for assistance received after the registration deadline cannot be handled.
Participants are invited to begin as early as possible the activation of the registration procedure and the project submission, within the available timeframe.
For the registration to be valid and completed, participants must properly fill in all mandatory fields indicated or marked with an asterisk on the online form, sending all award documents and administrative papers and press the “Send Registration” button before the indicated deadline.
Please note: the time at which the “Send Registration” button is pressed, not the time when the page is opened, is decisive. If you press the button after the indicated time (Italian time), your project will not be accepted, this is why we recommend to carry out the operations well in advance. In the event of an error, you will have enough time to fix the mistake with the help of the dedicated technical support team.
The jury members’ names will be announced on 20 April 2023. There will be 7 national and international members.
At its sole discretion, the Jury will select a shortlist of finalists, which will be announced on 19 October 2023. From this shortlist, the Jury will choose 1 winner per category, which will be disclosed during the prize-giving ceremony, to be held in November 2023 (date to be defined).
The winners of each category will receive a plaque; will be allowed to mention, in their communication activities, to be the “Winner of the category … of the BIM&Digital Award 2023”; will present (5 minutes for each winner) their projects during the prize-giving ceremony, to be held in November 2023 (dates to be defined) and will be invited to join a series of webinars (20 minutes for each winner) to be held in 2024.
In addition, the awarded projects will be presented in a specific paper that will be published on the communication channels of the award organisers.
The Jury may also mention further projects that stand out, being particularly innovative and original. The Jury, at its sole discretion, may award or mention a larger number of projects.
The functions of:
– technical secretariat will be carried out by CLUST-ER BUILD ( Arch. Silvia Rossi;
– organisational secretariat will be carried out by AssoBIM (BIM&
Any requests for clarifications can only be submitted using the online form, available at the following address
All questions received and the relevant answers will be published on the appropriate section of the website and will become an integral part of this call for proposals.
For any clarifications regarding the technical-operating procedures for project submission on the IT platform, please send an e-mail to the technical support team at
Information note pursuant to art. 13 of the European General Data Protection Regulation n. 2016/679 – GDPR. We would like to inform you that Senaf srl, the data controller based in Milan, via Eritrea 21, ensures that the data provided will be communicated to third parties and to all those subjects whose services are related and necessary for the event performance and will be used for statistical purposes and informative and commercial activities. In addition, personal details, sensitive personal data, meant as photos or images taken during the event or that you may have provided can be published and/or included on our website.
The legal basis for data processing is the participation in a commercial contract and the data retention period is defined on the basis of legal and regulatory obligations.
It is mandatory to provide data, as it is required by legal and contractual obligations, and any refusal to provide such data or to the subsequent processing thereof may make it impossible for the undersigned company to pursue the above mentioned contractual relationship. Furthermore, the interested party undertakes to communicate any changes in such data.
The updated list of the persons in charge is available at Senaf srl, the data will be processed manually and electronically.
We would like to remind you that, at any time, you may object to the above mentioned data processing, as well as exercise all the rights set forth in articles 15 to 22 of the GDPR such as the right to access, rectification, erasure, data portability, by notifying Senaf srl via Eritrea 21 – 20157 Milan or sending an e-mail to: By signing below, the data subject freely consents to the processing of his/her personal data.
For more information on data processing, please visit:
By registering for the BIM&Digital Award, participants give their explicit consent to AssoBIM, Clust-ER Build, Senaf and Tecniche Nuove to disclose the projects on their websites, on their respective communication channels, in Tecniche Nuove magazines and in any other area and through any means of communication that may be useful for the dissemination of BIM&DIGITAL Awards 2023.